To meet
My artistic way
My attraction to art was touched down thanks to people who initiated me: my esthete grandmother, the paintings of a great uncle painter inspired by the landscapes of his native Provence, my pastel mother. I first turned to the faces, the people, the accompaniment.
“the face of my neighbor is an alterity that opens up the beyond ”Levinas.
A key moment in my learning: during an internship in a remand center as part of my studies in Human Sciences, the doctor with whom I was working wanted to put reproductions of paintings by great masters in the corridors so that inmates evolve, change look… Yes, Beauty can really change a look, a soul!
My first moments in painting: I decided to pick up the brush alongside my research on Henri Bergson. While painting, I experience 100% what Bergson meant about freedom and joy: when I paint I feel unified, what I do is what I am! “In short, we are free when our acts emanate from our personality, when they express it, when they have that indefinable resemblance that we sometimes find between the work and the artist”. Addiction to these freedom shoots, I had found something that was going to guide me by then!

A few years later, I discovered the current of lyrical abstraction and for me it was a revelation, between existential ardor and depth! Now I paint exclusively in oils, putting the painting on the ground to find an anchor and allow the color to intermingle. In 2021, I decided to go further and set up a new concept: combining support and painting. Certain that Beauty is essential to find an inner balance between self-renewal and externalization of oneself., I wish to allow people to acquire a canvas by co – painting it, the concept “Toi en toile” is born.
Some dates
January 2019: exhibition with the painter Silouane Dumoulin – Galerie Artes – Paris 5th
September 2021: “Recognition” award for the painting “Elan Vital” – 11th Open Light Space and Time – Palm Beach – Miami
July – October 2021: selection and international digital exhibition – Light Space and Time Gallery – Palm Beach – Miami
December 2021: “certificate of merit” awarded by Luxembourg Art Prize – Pinacothèque du Grand Duché du Luxembourg
January 2022: exhibition with the painter Silouane Dumoulin – Galerie Artes – Paris 5th
March – April 2022: collective exhibition as part of “Project 102” – Collective – Vict W’Art – Halle aux Blancs Manteaux – Paris 4th
April 2022: Exhibition “Chartres, Crossing of Arts – Chartres
April 2023: “A demi mot” exhibition with the artist Céline Weber – AgapeHub Gallery – Paris12ème
June 2023: Collective exhibition “Seiziem’Art” – Marie du 16ème arr. – Paris
April 2024 – 2025: Exhibition – cabinet, rue Chanoineau – Tours

My style
Putting an emotion, a feeling, a momentum on painting, I immediately recognized myself in the current of lyrical abstraction.
My style is characterized by color and movement. By putting the painting on the ground, I blow on the diluted colors, they intermingle and create an unforeseen event that will be sublimated by juxtaposed glazes: a kind of metaphor for life, between will and letting go taken, between borrowing from nature and taking action.
When I realized that each color has a certain vibration, a different musicality it was for me a real revelation: two opposite colors on the chromatic scale sublimate side by side while two complementary colors mixed together create a deep black.
Une touche de Sens
Et si nous regardions cette toile
Et si cette toile me touchait
Et si cette émotion que je ressens m’élevait
Et si ce ressenti me permettait de regarder les choses autrement
Et si ces choses me permettait d’entreprendre des actes généreux
Et si ces actes permettaient de faire grandir un autre
Et si le fait de contempler que l’autre grandit me permettait de voir qu’un Tout Autre me dépasse
Et là, je me dirais que j’ai trouvé ma raison d’être !
L’art pour se détacher de soi-même, l’art pour se rendre compte de son unicité, l’art pour s’élever!